Sisters in Zion

In the Women's session of the October 2020 General Conference, President Eyring spoke about the establishment of a Zion society. He called upon the Relief Society to prepare the Saints to establish Zion.

Summary points:

  • The Relief Society is being called upon to prepare “His people” to become His promised Zion.
  • The women of the Church possess unique gifts that were given by God to bless others.
  • Latter-day prophets, including President Russell M. Nelson, have declared the vast influence women have on the Church as devout defenders of the faith.

Talk summary: 

Heavenly Father’s “beloved daughters” will play a crucial role in the establishment of Zion.

“We know that the Savior will come to a people who have been gathered and prepared to live as the people did in the city of Enoch. The people there were united in faith in Jesus Christ and had become so completely pure that they were taken up to heaven.” 

The Prophet Joseph Smith promised the early Relief Society sisters that, if they live up to their privileges, they would enjoy the association of angels.

“That marvelous potential lies within you, and you are being prepared for it.” 

Heavenly Father’s daughters have a gift to allay contention and promote righteousness with their love of God and love for all those they serve.

“Sisters, you were given the blessing of being daughters of God with special gifts. You brought with you into mortal life a spiritual capacity to nurture others and to lift them higher toward the love and purity that will qualify them to live together in a Zion society. It is not by accident that the Relief Society, the first Church organization specifically for Heavenly Father’s daughters, has as its motto ‘Charity Never Faileth.’”

Faith in Christ, coupled with the full effects of His atonement, will qualify His followers for the “supernal gift” to live in promised Zion. “There you will be sisters in Zion, loved in person by the Lord and those you have blessed.”

The sisters of the Church are citizens of the Lord’s kingdom on earth.

“You are daughters of a loving Heavenly Father, who sent you into the world with unique gifts that you promised to use to bless others. 

“I promise you that the Lord will lead you by the hand, through the Holy Ghost. He will go before your face as you help Him prepare His people to become His promised Zion.”